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Your Smile, Your Moment

Useful information

Words from the specialist:

Healthy and beautiful smile has been proven as a contributing factor for a better and improved social life [1-4].
Also, smile is contagious and passes from one to another [5]. Moreover, It has been shown to have various benefits such as relieving stress and increasing good feeling and positive emotions [5-7]. So let`s start the smiling epidemic I am hoping for.

First step is to understand your options and ask the right questions. Below you have the way in to the world of orthodontics with many relevant questions and asnwers
The world is happier with a smile!
Dr. Igor Gribalsky Ortodonts orthodontist Riga
Dr. Igor Gribalsky

Frequently asked questions

Orthodontics is a field in dentistry that is focused on correcting the irregularities and relation of teeth and jaws. In other words: Orthodontists are correcting/improving the appearance of the lower third of the face and the smile. The result of orthodontic treatment is a new beautiful, healthy smile and stable occlusion.

The relation of upper teeth and lower teeth is termed occlusion (or bite). When something is irregular, such as crowding of teeth or improper relation of upper and lower jaws and teeth, then the bite is described as malocclusion. Malocclusion can be as mild as simply few crowded teeth and as severe as an incorrect skeletal relation of the jaws.

Orthodontic problems can damage the gums and underlying bone structure. Crowded teeth can be harder to clean, which is increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease to develop.
In more severe cases, there is also an increased risk of trauma to the anterior teeth, disturbed speech, abnormal chewing and tooth wear. Also, it has been suggested and claimed that if the jaws are not properly positioned, pain in the jaw joints, neck and back may result. [8,9]
Moreover, psycho-socially, a severe and unpleasant appearance of malocclusion can cause embarrassment, discomfort and affect self-confidence in children and adults. [1,3,4,10]

Orthodontic treatment aim is to provide a straight set of teeth with good bite, which look good and function well. With straight teeth it is easier to keep the teeth clean. Thereby, potentially increasing the longevity of the teeth by improving the periodontal health.
Psychosocially, orthodontic treatment has been shown to be associated with improved quality of life both in children and adults in several articles [1-4, 10]. especially among cases with visible and unpleasant smile. It can boost self-confidence and self-esteem both in children and adults.
The benefits are mainly visible esthetical smile improvement, although in part of the cases; the benefits are also functional and biological, in cases in which without treatment, there is an increased risk for futuristic functional and health problems.
Generally, orthodontics can improve the appearance of the teeth, face and smile

As with any procedure, especially when purely cosmetic, there are some possible risks on tooth structure and periodontium. One of the most notable side effects is the appearance of spots and discoloration of the tooth. The reason is directly related to improper hygiene maintenance throughout the treatment. With good oral hygiene motivation and co-operation, tooth structure damage is prevented.
Other possible side effects, such as root resorption, joint involvement, relapse etc., are attended individually for each patient. The treatment aimed to fit many patient needs and/or limits.
One must understand that even though orthodontic treatment has its own limits and risk factors, in most cases the result and benefit overpowers these possible risks. Jaw and teeth relations may only get worse with time and won’t self-correct without orthodontic treatment. Because every person has difference needs and different problems, the choice of treatment must be made in a way that the benefit is greater than the possible risks. [11]

Orthodontic treatment can be done for almost everyone in any age group. Generally, the ideal age for orthodontic treatment is 10 to 14 (However it may differ on individual variation) [12,13]. At that age there is still growth potential of the jaw as well as faster biological tooth movement due to the early age. In selected cases treatment can also start as early as 7 years of age and as late as over 60 years of age [14,15] . Must be noted that the older the patient, the slower the teeth move. Also, important to understand that everybody are different and have different set of teeth and problems. Hence, individualized treatment is essential in orthodontics.

Generally, the average treatment time is 1.5 to 2 years. The duration of the treatment is greatly depends on the severity of the malocclusion, age and co-operation of the patient. Every case is different. It is based on different needs and different problems of the patient.

It is important to understand that everybody is different and have different set of teeth and problems. The treatment aimed fit many needs and/or limits. Every case is individually assessed and analyzed regarding its limits, risks, age and esthetics. Then an individualized treatment approach is assign to every patient in regard to specific needs and limits.
This is discussed further with the patient until a common understanding and goal of treatment is agreed upon. This is termed, informed consent.

Every orthodontic treatment aim is to create a beautiful smile with straight teeth and as well as correcting the relation between upper and lower teeth and jaws.
Changes to the face could be minor as not visible and confined only to the smile and as extensive as total alteration of the lower facial half including jaws and teeth.
The result of orthodontic treatment is a new beautiful, healthy smile and stable occlusion.

Lately, more and more adults are seeking for orthodontic treatment. Many esthetic solutions have been emerged in past years. These solutions provide more comfortable treatment because of the decreased visibility of the fixed appliance. These options include Invisilign, ceramic, sapphire and lingual bracket systems. Moreover, in adults there might be additional factors and problems which are not directly related to orthodontics, this can include periodontal, prosthetic and other health factors. This makes treatment more individualized and complex. However, with a good team of specialists and proper planning the expected result is better than concentrating only on one aspect of the dentition. Hence, one should keep in mind that everyone is different and every treatment is individualized and planned specifically for their own needs and problems.

The decision which appliance or treatment method is possible to choose depends on the needs of the patient and on the severity of the problems. Every option has its advantages and disadvantages and it may differ from patient to patient.

1) Be sure you mention what you want. What you want to gain and/or improve? Also, make it clear what you don’t want and what you are afraid from.
2) Be sure to ask you options. Usually there is more than 1.
First visit will include a small introduction, you will be asked what is it that you want, then your teeth, smile, bite and profile will be checked and finally a discussion about the problems and the option will be carried out. In the discussion you may ask any question.
In some cases (mostly in severe problems), additional records (Photos, X-rays, cast models) might be taken for analyzing the case and prepare more a detailed treatment plan for a following consultation.

Please don’t hesitate to ask.

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via contact form in the contact page of the website

Types of braces

3D smile caurspīdīgas kapes

Clear aligners (Click for more)

3D smile: Clear aligners for more comfortable and hygienic orthodontic treatment. Improve you smile while being able to eat what you want and brush your teeth as you normally do.

lingual braces

Lingual orthodontics (Click for more)

Lingual orthodontics. The invisible way to straighten your teeth. If invisibility and effectiveness are a priority, this is the best choice

Metaliskas breketes smaids

Metallic braces

The most standard, cheapest and effective way to straighten teeth but it is also the most visible and least esthetic option. As with every braces system, brushing, cleaning and more manipulations are required to keep the teeth and braces clean

Keramiskas brekets smaids

Ceramic braces

The cheapest option for less visible orthodontic treatment. When compared to metallic braces, they are more prone to breakage and debonding which in turn requires more emergency visit. Hygiene control considerations are similar to metallic braces


  1. Liu Z, McGrath C, Hägg U. The impact of malocclusion/orthodontic treatment need on the quality of life. A systematic review. Angle Orthod. 2009 May;79(3):585-91. doi: 10.2319/042108-224.1.
  2. Arrow P, Brennan DS, Spencer J. Social acceptability of dental appearance and benefits of fixed orthodontic treatment: a 17-year observational cohort study J Public Health Dent. 2012 Spring;72(2):135-42. doi: 10.1111/j.
  3. Johal A, Alyaqoobi I, Patel R, Cox S. The impact of orthodontic treatment on quality of life and self-esteem in adult patients Eur J Orthod. 2015 Jun;37(3):233-7. doi: 10.1093/ejo/cju047.
  4. Dimberg L, Arnrup K, Bondemark L. The impact of malocclusion on the quality of life among children and adolescents: a systematic review of quantitative studies. Eur J Orthod. 2015 Jun;37(3):238-47. doi: 10.1093/ejo/cju046.
  5. Wild B, Erb M, Eyb M, Bartels M, Grodd W. Why are smiles contagious? An fMRI study of the interaction between perception of facial affect and facial movements Psychiatry Res. 2003 May 1;123(1):17-36.
  6. Kraft TL, Pressman SD. Grin and bear it: the influence of manipulated facial expression on the stress respons Psychol Sci. 2012;23(11):1372-8. doi: 10.1177/0956797612445312.
  7. Johnson KJ, Waugh CE, Fredrickson BL. Smile to see the forest: Facially expressed positive emotions broaden cognition. Cogn Emot. 2010 Feb 19;24(2):299-321.
  8. Cuccia A1, Caradonna C. The relationship between the stomatognathic system and body posture Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2009;64(1):61-6.
  9. Perinetti G. Comment on: Correlations between the stomatognathic system and body posture: biological or clinical implications? Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2009;64(2):77-8.
  10. H. Asuman Kiyak, M.A., Ph.D. Does Orthodontic Treatment Affect Patients’ Quality of Life? J Dent Educ. 2008 Aug;72(8):886-94.
  11. Nazeer Ahmed Meeran. Iatrogenic possibilities of orthodontic treatment and modalities of prevention J Orthod Sci. 2013 Jul-Sep; 2(3): 73–86. doi: 10.4103/2278-0203.119678
  12. Yang EY, Kiyak HA. Orthodontic treatment timing: a survey of orthodontists. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 1998 Jan;113(1):96-103
  13. Al-Shayea EI. A survey of orthodontists’ perspectives on the timing of treatment: A pilot study.J Orthod Sci. 2014 Oct;3(4):118-24. doi: 10.4103/2278-0203.143232.
  14. Maspero C, Farronato D, Giannini L, Farronato G. Orthodontic treatment in elderly patients. Prog Orthod. 2010;11(1):62-75. doi: 10.1016/j.pio.2010.04.008. Epub 2010 May 11.
  15. Pithon MM. Orthodontic treatment in an elderly patient with extraction of upper premolar. Gerodontology. 2012 Jun;29(2):e1146-51. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-2358.2010.00443.x.